Sharing Images through CryptoChart: Simple. Safe. Secure.

Written by Novarad | Mar 17, 2022 2:00:00 PM

Patients are commonly referred to other hospitals or other healthcare practitioners. This is usually the case when a patient requires specialized care that can’t be provided where they currently are. When a referral happens and a patient moves to a new center, it is essential that their medical information follows them.

The current methods for transferring medical images between practitioners aren’t always good enough. They can cause avoidable expenses for facilities and do not prioritize the patient’s security. CryptoChart fixes the problems of the current methods and makes things stress-free for everyone involved.

What are the current problems with sharing medical images?

Medical imaging results are among the most important documents that need to find their way into the hands of the new specialists. Typically, they are burned on CDs or uploaded on platforms intended for medical image sharing.

These ways are standard but inefficient. Discs cost money and take time to burn, and most of them will eventually end up in landfills. They can also easily be damaged, either by getting scratched or breaking due to their fragile nature.

Clinicians have to register and log into image-sharing platforms before they can gain access to medical reports. Not only is this an unnecessary use of precious clinic time, but the security of patient information is also difficult to guarantee on these platforms.

How does CryptoChart improve medical image sharing?

Novarad has developed CryptoChart, a technology that provides an interesting alternative to the usual methods for sending medical images. Health workers using CryptoChart simply need to capture a QR code, which can be done with a barcode scanner or any modern mobile device. Then, they’ll be directed to a page that contains the essential patient information being transferred. If they do not have a barcode scanner or mobile device authorized to be used within their secure network, they can go to a secure website and use a secure web-access code to access the images.

One of the issues with CDs and even online platforms for image sharing is the security of patient data. CryptoChart is a fantastic option in this regard because it is as secure as it can get. It utilizes AES-256 encryption alongside HTTPS protocol. This keeps patient data safe, both when stored in the cloud and when being transferred between medical centers.

There are additional security options incorporated into the software. Timed access codes can be used to prevent access by unauthorized individuals, or a user may be requested to enter the patient’s date of birth. These options help assuage any fears that a client and/or clinician may have about the security of patient information.

Many patients are concerned about the security of their medical information. These reservations are valid, particularly when confidential medical images are being sent over relatively outdated means. Novarad’s CryptoChart eliminates that worry.

How does CryptoChart help medical centers and healthcare workers?

While patients get a more secure means of transferring their medical images, hospital administrators and clinical practitioners also have advantages when they use CryptoChart.

For instance, administrators will be happy because CryptoChart keeps costs low, relative to using CDs. With this solution, the only physical product is a printed-out QR code, which can cost as little as a fifth of the cost of a CD. It prints from any network printer on plain paper or letterhead. These savings can add up significantly when a hospital decides to let go of discs and opt for this medical image sharing product instead.

Doctors and clinicians who use CryptoChart will also find it to be beneficial. Instead of needing to put a disc in a computer or open a webpage and log into an image sharing platform, they can simply use a barcode reader or even their smartphone to scan the QR code and be taken straight to the patient’s medical images. This cuts down on the time for clinic visits, which has been shown to improve the experience for not only the patients but also the staff.

CryptoChart can be used by imaging centers that want to be on the cutting edge. It’s an easy, accessible, and stress-free way for them to send medical images for patients to the appropriate team.

CryptoChart for medical image sharing

Novarad has developed CryptoChart as an effortless, secure, and quick means of sharing medical images between hospitals and clinicians. It benefits more than one party to have it done this way, instead of through CDs or random image sharing platforms that want all your details. Hospitals reduce costs, patient information stays as safe as possible, and healthcare workers don’t need to worry about long cycle times between patients. Novarad helps hospitals, imaging centers, and medical clinics make medical image sharing faster and safer.

Here at Novarad, we believe that the key to a successful imaging center is to work smarter, not harder, to deliver the type of care and outcomes that patients desire.

To see how we can help improve your workflows, feel free to reach out to our workflow specialists today!